What is Electrical Cell Signaling Technology (ECST)?
Electrical cell signaling technology is a non-surgical, non-invasive pain treatment that, through electromagnetic neuromuscular stimulation, improves nerve function and promotes nerve repair of the affected areas.
The way Electrical cell signaling technology works is by delivering energy to the part of your body that the therapy is looking to improve. This energy comes at varying wavelengths, including low- and middle-frequency signals. This benefits the area by affecting the cell membrane and the surrounding tissue producing a harmonic resonant vibration which your cells absorb, promoting healing and repair of the area affected by nerve damage.
What conditions can be helped with ECST?
The ECST is used to treat (but is not limited to) the following:
Decreases nerve pain
Accelerates nerve healing and repair
Quickly alleviates trigger point muscle pain
Stimulates muscle strength and recovery
Relieve chronic intractable pain (osteoarthritis)
Improving nerve health and regeneration
Acute and chronic pain conditions
Muscle spasms relaxation
Neuromuscular reeducation and training
Increase blood circulation
Improve tissue function
Post-traumatic pain syndromes
Aids in treatment in post-surgical conditions
Is ECST right for you?
Here are some of the most common problems that have been helped with this technology:
Numbness & Tingling
Loss of feeling and sensation in your feet or the lower part of your legs, sometimes experiencing pins and needles in the affected area. Painful prickling and tingling sensation in the affected area.
The inflammation and pain of your ankle and feet joints.
Sharp Pain
Having electric-like sharp pain. Usually, this type of pain is quick and can be shocking and very uncomfortable.
Burning Pain
A burning sensation that you might be feeling around your feet.
Prickling and Tingling
Painful prickling and tingling sensation in the affected area.
Diabetic Nerve Pain
Pain as a result of the degeneration caused by diabetes. This can affect the nerves and cause neuropathy. The pain can come unexpected and last for a short period or extended for months.
Balance Problems
The sensation of not being able to hold your balance or not being able to stand for long periods.
Restless Leg
Unable to stop your leg from moving or having unwanted moving and pain.